Thursday, June 2, 2005

Trespasser Parker Wants Children to be silent about their parents

David Parker, the man who held a Lexington Elementary school hostage, tried to cop a plea deal yesterday in his day in court. Luckily, normal members of the community were there to show that Lexington is not about to bow to the bigotry and hate speech of Parker and his "supporters". The Boston Herald Reports that Brian Camenker from Article 8 said:

These people are here to intimidate him
Ok Brian, the man who held up in an elementary school, wanted to be arrested and refused to be released from jail is playing the victim? Give us a break! And what's with the plea deal? Why doesn't he just plead guilty since it's what Article 8 wanted all along, a martyr for the cause? Were the people trying to "intimidate" him like Article 8 does to the Judges, newlyweds, high school students, etc... What happened, none of the Article 8 bigots, ur, I mean "supporters" were there for their man? Are they waiting for the HUGE public rally of support on Sunday?

I wonder what Parker is telling his child now a days when DEEP THROAT is on all the front pages of all the newspapers and on TV?

Here's a link to my earlier post where Massresistance slammed all the religious institutions in Lexington for decrying bigotry and hate speech in the town.

Who is Massresitance Afraid of?

The "blog" pulled the post after a few hours online because her "followers" didn't like her attacking their church.

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