Saturday, February 16, 2008

Catholic Church Does Porn Star's Breast Surgery

Ok, so I have no proof that they did a porn star's breast surgery but under their "policy" they would do it before they would do any surgery on a transgender person.

I can’t articulate how draining it is to keep having to refute the lies that Brian and Amy post on their respective websites, but it’s a job I’ve humbly taken on. Their latest rant brings up a lawsuit in California:

In California, a man who wants to be a woman is suing a Catholic hospital for refusing to allow his “breast augmentation” surgery there.
What they don’t tell you is that the Catholic hospital in California DOES perform plastic surgery and DOES do breast augmentations. They just want to discriminately pick and choose whose breasts they make larger. The bigger question is why is a Catholic Hospital doing cosmetic plastic surgery? Why the church isn’t happy with the way God made these people is beyond me:

Seton Medical Center provides medically necessary services to all individuals," Nikels said in a prepared statement. "However, the hospital does not perform surgical procedures contrary to Catholic teaching; for example, abortion, direct euthanasia, transgender surgery or any of its related components." The hospital did not comment directly on the lawsuit.

Gray[Ms. Hastings' surgeon] still performs breast enlargement surgeries at Seton on women who are not transgender.

They also don't tell you that the woman, Charlene Hastings, has already the major gender reassignment surgery i.e., the Catholic hospital won't be turning her from a man to a woman.


Ryan said...

Off topic - but I lost your email and couldn't contact you.

I've been trying to contact all the other Mass Bloggers out there, because I wanted to sched a meeting for sometime in April for a) a fun meet up for the community and b) to discuss where and in what directions we, as a blogging community, should go to make a bigger, better difference.

Shoot me an email (darth dot adams at gmail dot com) and let me know if you're interested in coming =)

bostonph said...

Speaking of lies, a few days ago Brian posted yet another rant about the "gay agenda," this one by Matt Barber of Concerned Women for America. Like almost all of these rants, it cites the "1972 Gay Rights Platform."

Now, as far as I can tell, the only place this platform exists is on conservative sites. It appears to be the homophobe version of the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" -- a forgery which can be brought out to drum up up hatred amongst the masses.

Does anyone know where this originated? All of the versions I can find conveniently omit things like a source or even a list of signers.

NG said...

another off topic (I don't have an e-mail for you)

the fistgate tape may be coming into play again.