For the 4th year in a row MassResistance has been named an Anti-Gay Hate Group by the Southern Poverty Law Center:
The religious right in America has employed a variety of strategies in its efforts to beat back the increasingly confident gay rights movement. One of those has been defamation. Many of its leaders have engaged in the crudest type of name-calling, describing LGBT people as "perverts" with "filthy habits" who seek to snatch the children of straight parents and "convert" them to gay sex. They have disseminated disparaging "facts" about gays that are simply untrue — assertions that areremarkably reminiscent of the way white intellectuals and scientists once wrote about the "bestial" black man and his supposedly threatening sexuality.
It appears that MassResistance's work "on the front lines" with the anti-gay groups in Maryland is helping marriage equality in THAT state too!. Great job Brian!
Sadly, they are not the only anti-gay hate group in Massachusetts. Scott Lively's Abiding Truth Ministries in Springfield is also on the list. Abiding Truth Ministries is the "religious" group that had a convicted pedophile "volunteering" at the coffee shop that caters to school children.
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