Outgoing Milford state Rep. Marie Parente is among a number of prominent retired
state officials who have quietly requested boosts in their state pensions.
The officials are making the move after former University of Massachusetts President William Bulger won a legal battle to increase his pension, the Globe reports in a front-page story today.
"I feel I earned my retirement," said Parente, a 26-year member of the House who is seeking a pension boost of about $8,000 to about $60,000.
Parente said money she received for travel, office expenses, and the value of a State House parking space should be included in her pension, which would boost it by about $8,000 to an expected $60,000.
Let The People Vote! Let The People Vote! Let The People Vote on her Pension! Let's Vote On Everything, except on whether the Roman Catholicism is the One True Religion! Weeeeee!
Was the money taxed as income for the travel and office reimbursment?
Was the value of the parking space declared as taxable income?
Actually, it was...
Parente, who is 78, said she paid taxes on her expenses as income, so they should be included as part of her pension calculation.
She received between $3,000 and $4,000 annually in travel money, known as per diem pay, which covers a legislator's commuting expenses from the district to Boston. And she also was given $7,200 for office expenses. She also claimed $1,260 in income each year as the value of a State House parking spot.
Not that I think she should get the bump in pension, but she did pay taxes on those benefits.
Well it's good that she paid her taxes. I am on my husband's health plan (luckily we live in Massachusetts) however, it comes out of his after tax earnings. Since I receive the health care, I have to add it as income on my taxes and get taxed on it again, read Double taxes. Yet I still can't get my husband's social security benefits or any federal benefits. Thanks Marie for wanting to take away my right to my husband's health care plan.
I say, Marie, don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.
Be kind to Marie. All that bottle blonding is expensive. As they said in Fiddler on the Roof, "God bless you, Marie, and keep you...far away from us!"
I think Larry Cirignano should run over to her and throw her to the ground. Oh, I mean "escort" her.
Let the people vote on whether we should pay these damn pensions.
Extra padding? Looks like Marie has plenty of extra padding. Guess she needs the extra $$ in her pension to pay for the bad dye job...quite obvious the drapes don't match the carpet. She surely gets her hair done at the same salon as Our Amy "Miss Massresistance" Contrada-Mann.
PLease post something new so the scary lady isn't looming over the top of your 'blog over the holidays! Halloween was almost two months ago! Time for Saturnalia decorations!
Anon 11:34 I was thinking the same thing! Happy Festivus!
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