It appears that they are in the process of confirming the validity of the signatures with the individual town halls across the state then they submit the valid signatures to the Secretary of State's office. The Sec. of State's office could not confirm the time frame that MassResistance has to get the signatures to them.
It will be interesting to see if MassResistance gets these signatures when the Mass Family Institute and the Massachusetts Catholic Church were both against this hateful venture. I guess Brian is thinking of this as job security since if he gets the signatures he will be able to beg people for more money to fund the campaign which will no doubt pay his salary (he is not a volunteer, both him and Amy were paid by the proceeds raised from MassResistance and the Parent's Rights Coalition).
My feeling is they never came close to getting the needed signatures and decided to back the information out of their website and pretend it never happened. They also did it in the dead of night. I checked out their website twice last night, once around 10:00PM and again at 2:30am and it was changed sometime in that time span.
Anyone who thinks that Brian Camenker is a benign eccentricity which won’t affect the average person should consider what he has done in Massachusetts. He's become a hammer to force his views and opinions on everyone. And this train is moving slowly. What has happened so far is only his feeble attempts beginnig.
Not only can't Brian tell what day it is ("Friday, October 21", HELLO BRIAN! LOOK AT A CALENDAR BEFORE YOU UPDATE YOUR "WEBPAGE"), he apparently can't count up to 100, which is the approximate number of signatures he was able to garner in support of his "referendum petition".
Now he's threatening us with "daily updates monday through friday". Does he have a job? Surely he can't make a living bilking unsuspecting conservatives under the guise of support for his "cause". And what of Amy Contrada?? What has scared her under a rock, apparently never to be seen again?
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