Saturday, May 24, 2008

MassResistance Triumphs

MassResistance has finally had success in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts:
Mass. Senate spits on parents - unanimously approves huge funding increases for homosexual programs in schools. Even "good" senators caved in. Leadership
used sleazy maneuver to avoid debate. Homosexual lobby triumphs.

Their constant harassment of the Massachusetts State Senate has finally paid off. Just last week they were bragging at having people from OTHER COUNTRIES emailing, faxing and calling OUR state legislators.

Do you think the Massachusetts Legislature is now aware that MassResistance is a recognized hate group? YES! And I'm sure our State Legislators just experienced a little of bit the hatred that these bigots spew forth daily at GLBT people. I imagine that they overwhelming approved the increase in funding for at risk youth knowing that dangerous people like MassResistance are out there.

Thank you Brian and Amy. Keep up the good work.


Ryan said...

sheesh, you'd think these guys would give up eventually. LOL.

Queers United said...

hooray for the gay agenda

massmarrier said...

Ah, yes, when the good guys show up in force, it's homosexual agenda and bullying. When MR's folk (who can't be bothered to attend hearings en masse), speak up it's a "flood of angry calls & visits" that makes the legislators do this or that.

So, how long do we wait, breathlessly, for MR's corresponding detail of its latest failures?

Fiddler said...

"When MR's folk (who can't be bothered to attend hearings en masse)"

I would venture to suggest that that's because MR's "en masse" consists of four or five people.