We arrived at the State House at 7:30 AM and a line had already started

Once the doors opened we went up to the fourth floor to wait for tickets to get into the gallery. As you can see from the pictures to the right, the corridors were packed and warm. A woman from my Dad's church came up to me and shook my hand and wanted to know if I had heard anything about the day (I hadn't at this point). My husband didn't get to meet her so he went over and introduced himself to her and her group. He commended the work she does along side his father-in-law (my Dad) for the poor.
The anti-gay side did have a few youths there. One small group (3 or 4) were

After we got our tickets to the gallery we went back outside to see how things were going there. Again, the pro-equality side outnumbered the anti-gay by at least 2 to 1. We even saw Mickey "I run for every elected office and never win" Roache there on the anti-gay side chatting up some petitioners at about 11ish.
For the remainder of the day we were in the Great Hall watching the anti-gay protestors dwindle by the minute. Even the Franciscan Sisters in full habit got into the act by breaking chairs in the hall ala "The Who", ok, they didn't actually do it on purpose, the chairs fell apart as they were moving them but it broke up the monotony of the day.
At around 4:30 we were back in the House Gallery for the closing minutes of the session. A couple of women next to me were upset because it was taking so long for each roll call vote and then I had to laugh to myself. They were upset because the House and Senate were following the rules of the convention. It seems they wanted the legislature to only follow the rules when it did what they wanted and on their timetable.

A rally followed in the Great Hall where many of the pro equality side were still there. It was good to see Mark from Queer Today and meet Chris from Take Mass Action. I think we were all proud of the work that had gone on that day. Mark mentioned to me that there was no hide nor hair of Massresistance/Article Hate. My guess: they're probably still waiting for the legislature to vote to oust the 4 judges. If so, they have a long wait.
Just want to pass the word - The article8.org website is down. what this means I don't know. When you goto article8.org it redirects to a company called "host excellence". Maybe thev've crashed and gone for good? Can one hope?
Article8.org has been redirecting viewers to Massresistance.com for a few months. I guess they are just dropping article8.org now. I suspect Brain and Amy do not have the funds to renew the domain names for all the different/same groups they have.
Dear Friends,
I heard Brian on the Todd Fienberg's WRKO show last week and several callers made reference to Brain's infomercial show. Lets not fool ourselves,he is receiving donations. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to pay WTTT to run his show.
Believe it or not, there are actually some self hating homosexuals who send MassResistance money.
I ran into to a former co-worker last week and he told me "he wasn't so sure about Gay marraige". I felt like saying, why because you have never had a boyfriend and doubt you will ever get married.
Marriage Equality for All !
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