At the gym today I happened to be switching channels and caught a little bit of Fox News' coverage of Brokeback Mountain. Apparently this film is GAY PROPAGANDA, at least that's what the panelist said on Fox News. Gay Propaganda, yeah, that's what I would call it. It's a movie of such high homosexual values with such big Gay themes. The panelist was David Kupelian who wrote the book "The Marketing of Evil" and writes for the World I mean Net Daily.
It seems that the Religious Right was just going to let Brokeback Mountain slide by without comment, that is until it started getting critical acclaim. Now they can't just sit idly by and NOT mention it. They even equate it to marketing cigarettes! Even Ms. Massresistance had to jump into the pool to condemn the movie and again scream "Gay Propaganda". (and for some reason they again bring up Adult-child sex which is no where in the movie but these guys are obsessed!)
These people are scared, very scared because if the heartland sees that its' own are actually gay they might not be so quick to endorse discrimination against these folks. The New York Times had a great article on actual gay cowboys. My favorite line from the piece is:
Like Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist in the film, Clark dated women for a time, bowing to the pressure to be "normal" although, unlike them, he never married and never led a double life. There's a joke out here about how one goes about finding a gay man on the frontier. The punch line is deadpan: "Look for the wife and kids."These people just don't want to hear that gay people exist but they do and more and more are coming out each day. Good for them. If these guys (in the movie) would have be able to live their life no one would have gotten hurt, they wouldn't have had wives or children who felt alienated which is the WND writer's biggest point, that we should have seen the movie through the wives' eyes. He obviously didn't get that when you live a lie everyone suffers.