Thursday, July 7, 2005

Do as I say, Not as We Do

Ms. Massresistance is once again protesting the Lexington Minuteman because Ms. Paranoia assumes that they are linking her, Article 8 and Fred Phelp's Westboro Baptist Church together (can you say birds of a feather?). In all honesty, the article she is stewing over is actually about the new superintendent of schools in Lexington, Paul Ash, the former administrator in Westwood.

Ash started his educational career in Dover where he was a chemistry teacher, going to get his degree in school administration from Harvard University. In 1979, Ash went to Wellesley to be the director of personnel and staff development. In 1986, he became the assistant superintendent and served as the interim superintendent for seven months until a new superintendent was found. Ash left Wellesley in 1998 for the top spot in Westwood.
He sounds fairly qualified to me, although Ms. Massresistance in concerned because he "embraces diversity" and you know what that means, wink wink.... Ms. Massresistance further says:

We hope that means he'll respect parents who ask him to follow the law...
I guess she wants Mr. Ash to follow the law even if some of the parents don't. Ms. Massresistance must have a short memory since her own co-conspirators can't seem to do what she advocates the new administrator do:

  • David Parker, arrested for trespassing on school grounds
  • Brian Camenker, sued for distributing an illegally taped recording of people without their knowledge (including minors)

It's always the ones pointing fingers who are the most guilty (and act like it). Good luck Mr. Ash on your latest endeavor, luckily you do have some good parents who are concerned about not just their own children, but all the communities' children.

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