Friday, September 23, 2005

Gay Marriage Ban Would Fail If Held Today

The State House News Service conducted a poll concerning the same sex marriage ban amendment which the anti-gay family groups concocted and Attorney General Reilly certified. Their conclusion is that if the vote was held today it would fail. However, it is not certain. The anti-gay marriage supporters have a steep climb, but it's not impossible. Luckily, if they can get 66,000 anti-gay signers, we have time on our sides. With an amendment looming in 2008, that is still three years away and a lot more same sex couples will be married by then. Additionally, we have three more years to register young voters who are overwhelming for equal marriage rights.

State House News Pollster Gerry Chervinsky:

"If that indeed is the wording [of the 2008 amendment], and the question goes forward, I see a bitter fight," Chervinsky said. "But remember, these ballot questions are hard to poll. It's the world of the hidden vote, where people want to tell you the politically correct thing. But when they get into the voting booth and pull the shades, they go "hmmm, maybe I won't vote the way they think I should." That could indicate a hidden vote in favor of the gay-marriage ban, Chervinsky cautioned.
That is why civil rights issues should never go to the ballot box. If interracial marriage, a women's right to vote or segregation was put to a vote do people really believe voters would have allowed it? We still have a 1913 law on our books in Massachusetts that was written to protect interracial marriage ban in other states.

A big thank you goes out to MassNews for the link to this story. If you ever need a good laugh in the early morning hours head to MassNews, they are humorous (although I'm sure it's unintended). You can read how they still expect the Mass. Legislature to vote to remove 4 Superior Court Judges. You can also read in detail about their fascination with Superior Court Judge Margaret Marshall. Their patron Representative in the House is Emile Goguen (D-Fitchburg). For more information on Goguen see Mass Marrier.

The more people see sites like MassNews, Article 8 and Massresistance, the better it is for us.


Anonymous said...

It was voted on by the Congress BUT not by the people in a majority vote.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it passed as several state amendments to the states' constitutions first...just like marriage amendments across the country.

It is unfortunate that GLBTIQP folks don't trust Americans to do the right thing...

Anonymous said...

What about interracial marriage or segregation? I don't trust Americans to do the right thing either. They act like a riot, after the gays, they will come for you too.

Anonymous said...

Just change the terms of the argument: What's the likelihood that a majority of registered voters in the U.S. would approve a proposal to ban all Muslims carrying a foreign passport from entering the country? I'd bet it would pass handily, and it's pure and simple racism and religious prejudice.

I agree, after the gays, they'll come for you. . . .