Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Katrina Stopped but Massresistance Still Blows Hot Air

Well, after a brief trip to our neighbors up north, we're back. It was definitely interesting to see news about the US through the eyes of another country. Not surprisingly, we didn't even see or hear homophobic bather like we do around here and the whole country has same sex couples getting married! I've been trying to catch up on all the hateful stuff that Ms. Massresistance has been posting on her website. There's a lot! In the past week she's:

The funniest part of all her posts is the following:

By the way, Meg has it wrong below about Mass. Family Institute running the [David Parker] rally. It is actually being organized by a grassroots group of Parker supporters.

God forbid the wrong anti-gay anti-family hate group gets credit for this rally. Yet, if you go on Massnews.com you'll read about the rally is being headed up by no other than Brian Camenker, who is the contact person. The same Brian Camenker who heads the Parents Right Coalition and Article 8, this is the grassroots group of Parker supporters Ms. Massresistance writes about(remember that David Parker said he wasn't "involved" with Article 8).


Anonymous said...

Hey, aren't you going to comment on how wrong they are about the gay incest movie?

Anonymous said...

Bad cinema is bad cinema, no matter what kind of sex it's selling. Majority opinion says that movie stinks. And the majority is always right, right?

Anonymous said...

How many newspapers reviewed "Six Feet Under" positively? Does that mean that all those newspapers & TV stations are "pushing" incest also? (In case you didn't see 6 Feet Under, two of the characters engage in incest. Additionally, a book popular when I was younger "Flowers in the Attic" also deals with incest. So does Oedipus. I guess all those authors were "pushing" incest too?

Anonymous said...

I actually saw the movie and I was quite disturbed by it. But, I am assuming that was the point. The film was not advocating incest anymore than Silence of the Lambs advocated serial killing. Bay Windows was being responsible by reviewing the film. It isn't one of those films that you should just stumble upon.