Thursday, September 29, 2005

Good vs Normal?

In today's Lexington Minuteman there is another letter from Mad Dad's attorney (credit to Mass Marrier for the nickname). It seems Neil Tassel is upset that he was quoted incorrectly by another "Letter to the Editor" written by a high school student. Tassel says:
According to a letter written by Eric Eid-Reiner, of Russell Road, I made the statement that one "child's family (or maybe the families of some of his friends)" was "not as good as others." That statement is untrue. Not only did I not say such a thing, and never would, but it represents the grotesque manipulation of fact that continues to frequent any discussion concerning Mr. Parker's position.
However, as one loyal reader pointed out, Neil Tassel wrote in his July 28th OP-ED defending Mad Dad:
"The fact is that Mr. Parker, an intelligent individual with a Ph.D., takes exception to specific belief. That belief is that a gay couple with children is a normal and morally equivalent family structure which is equally beneficial to the ultimate goal of any family, the wellbeing of the children being reared."
So which is it? Are we to believe the OP-ED which he must have spent hours writing, or an impromptu press conference? I guess the word in question is "good". From these two statements I read that Atty Tassel believes that one child's family is just as good as another family, however, it's Mad Dad who believes that a gay couple with children are not normal or morally equivalent to an opposite sex couple with children. Thanks for clearing this up.

Sell Your Soul for Hatred

Some of the readers here have been forwarding me "updates" from Article 8 and Mass "Family" institute. The first thing the emails say is:

Help by Donating!

Please consider a tax deductible gift today to help MFI continue to work for the families of Massachusetts

Right off the bat they are looking for money. I didn't realize that MFI is a non-profit. If there are people out there in the know, please get me information on how we can find out who is supporting this anti-gay anti-family group since donations must be made public. I find it hard to believe that a group which discriminates so blatantly can be a non-profit.

Anyway, back to the email updates (from Article 8):

Playing hardball: Lexington, MA superintendent refuses to relent on order keeping parent David Parker off school property! Last week, David Parker's son's first grade class held "Back to School" night. Parents were invited to come to class, and the kids would show their parents their desks, their projects, their drawings.
And the parents would get to talk to the teacher and other parents and kids. It's always a cherished time.

But David Parker couldn't go. Even though his son asked him to come. The town of Lexington continues to impose a heinous "no-trespass" order against David Parker. Superintendent Paul Ash could lift this order in a minute. But he refuses to do so. Thus, if David Parker sets foot on any school property, he could be arrested. He can't attend any school functions, pick up his son, attend school committee meetings, or even vote on election day.

Parker represents absolutely no danger to anyone, and no one suggests he does. This is being done as an instrument of intimidation -- against Parker and anyone else who might want to do what he did. Last April 27, David Parker demanded that he be notified if any adult discussed homosexuality or transgenderism with his 6-year-old in the elementary school. The school's reaction was to handcuff and arrest him. And the local gay activists continue to attack him in the press and elsewhere. Parker is standing tall, but this is utterly outrageous. Lexington Supt. Paul Ash's refusal to even discuss lifting this ban represents the worst arrogance we can imagine.
Is this America any more?

Can you hear all the violins playing for Parker? As my mother used to say "You made your bed, now you have to lie in it" For the hundredth time, David Parker was arrested because he refused to leave the school grounds after school administrators and the police told him to leave. HE REFUSED. Why don't you, David Parker, explain to your child that you broke the law and you have to pay the price? And to answer Article 8's question: YES, this is America, where it says LIBERTY AND JUSTICE FOR ALL, not just you.

I have more to write but their ignorance and hatred just wears me out. This sounds like he's not any danger to anyone:

"Parents stand your ground! Don't return their hate and intolerance when fired upon, But if they mean to have a war over our parental rights, Battling for the hearts and minds of our children, Then let it begin here."
David Parker

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Mass "Family" Institute Lies Again

Well, well, well, should we be surprised? I think not. Over at they have an interesting piece on how workers are being paid $1.00 a signature for people to sign the anti-gay marriage petition that Mass "Family" is promoting. In addition, they are giving people misinformation concerning the petition:

(1)The "people's petition" process in Massachusetts is being undermined by "buck a signature" out-of-state petition circulators all the while petition spokespersons like Kris Mineau continue to spout rhetoric about the process being an expression of "the people's" voice. So cut the bull Kris and tell the good people of Massachusetts who is really behind this Ballot Initiative. I wonder, is this where all the "faith based initiative" money is going?

(2) Signature gatherers clearly feel entitled to say whatever they want to get people to sign even if it is incorrect. So we not only have to worry about The Catholic Church telling people that same-sex marriage is ending civilization but we now have to worry about a "puppy-dog eyed" signature gatherer claiming that the signer is "helping him out financially" and that signing "doesn't really mean anything."

We should be not surprised that these "people" at Mass "Family" will try anything to get their hateful amendment on the ballot. I just wonder if it does get on the ballot and loses how else will they attack us? There will be a federal lawsuit if the amendment does pass since it will go against the "Full Faith and Credit" clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Talk about creating chaos. This amendment will create a separate class of people since some same sex couples are allowed to be married and other will not. Although I suspect Mass "Family" will argue that no same sex couples should be married and try through court order to dissolve the same sex marriages that will have occurred between 2004 and 2008.

So if you think this amendment is just about future marriages, you're wrong.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Women Teachers? Or Corrupting Our Youth?

I figured that would get people to read this post. It's a take off of Massresistance's recent post about some men doing crystal meth and viagra, entitled "Celebrating Diversity? Or a Public Health Crisis?" of course she blames the the WHOLE gay community for "partying and playing" (I never knew what this meant, thanks Ms. Massresistance for explaining it to me). She does look over the fact that hepatitis-C is a heterosexual disease, but I'm using Ms. Massresistance's logic here, blame the whole group for the actions of a few.

Additionally, there has been numerous incidents about women teachers abusing their male students. It's usually called pedophilia however people don't seem to be using those terms. Using "Massresistance Logic" no women should be teachers because they abuse their students:

Using Massresistance logic, all the hierarchy of the Catholic Church (including the Pope) is guilty of putting children into the hands of pedophile priests:

Wait a minute, I guess that is true. Anyway, use your own "Massresistance Logic" to castigate a whole group by the actions of a few if its members.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Catch 22

Ms. Massresistance next attack is on a male couple (no wonder she is so concerned about a hate crimes law being passed, she verbally bashes more gays and lesbians everyday). The male couple in question put an ad in BayWindows looking for two women interested in co-parenting, 20 year commitment. No where in the ad does it mentions polygamy or group marriage, yet does that stop Ms. Massresistance from linking the two, I don't think so.

Now stop and THINK for a moment. Here is a same sex couple, two men, who can legally adopt (or conceive with a female donor) and raise children. Massresistance, Article 8, Mass "Family" Institute, et al, are always talking about a child needs a mother AND a father, he/she needs male AND female influence on a child, blah blah blah. So here is this male couple, also seeking to have a female influence on their child's life and Massresistance still complains. It's obvious that nothing can satisfy her (except to wipe out all gay people).

When I grew up I had my Mom and Dad and an aunt and uncle who lived upstairs from us (I was probably up my Aunt's house just as much as I was in my own). I have a friend who lived with his grandmother upstairs from his parents in the same house. These were typical situations growing up, however, nowadays people are living further from their families. Friends and neighbors are becoming like "upstairs" families were years ago. Actually, what this male couple is doing is really nothing new except trying to give their child everything which the hate groups claim a child needs.

Do we fault sterile opposite sex couples from advertising for a female donor egg who ends up with no responsibility once the child is born? No, we call it a blessing that God has given us this talent to make childless couples parents.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Gay Marriage Ban Would Fail If Held Today

The State House News Service conducted a poll concerning the same sex marriage ban amendment which the anti-gay family groups concocted and Attorney General Reilly certified. Their conclusion is that if the vote was held today it would fail. However, it is not certain. The anti-gay marriage supporters have a steep climb, but it's not impossible. Luckily, if they can get 66,000 anti-gay signers, we have time on our sides. With an amendment looming in 2008, that is still three years away and a lot more same sex couples will be married by then. Additionally, we have three more years to register young voters who are overwhelming for equal marriage rights.

State House News Pollster Gerry Chervinsky:

"If that indeed is the wording [of the 2008 amendment], and the question goes forward, I see a bitter fight," Chervinsky said. "But remember, these ballot questions are hard to poll. It's the world of the hidden vote, where people want to tell you the politically correct thing. But when they get into the voting booth and pull the shades, they go "hmmm, maybe I won't vote the way they think I should." That could indicate a hidden vote in favor of the gay-marriage ban, Chervinsky cautioned.
That is why civil rights issues should never go to the ballot box. If interracial marriage, a women's right to vote or segregation was put to a vote do people really believe voters would have allowed it? We still have a 1913 law on our books in Massachusetts that was written to protect interracial marriage ban in other states.

A big thank you goes out to MassNews for the link to this story. If you ever need a good laugh in the early morning hours head to MassNews, they are humorous (although I'm sure it's unintended). You can read how they still expect the Mass. Legislature to vote to remove 4 Superior Court Judges. You can also read in detail about their fascination with Superior Court Judge Margaret Marshall. Their patron Representative in the House is Emile Goguen (D-Fitchburg). For more information on Goguen see Mass Marrier.

The more people see sites like MassNews, Article 8 and Massresistance, the better it is for us.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Massachusetts Has the Best Educational Institutions in the Country for a Reason

Dr. Paul Ash, the Superintendent of Lexington Public Schools, wrote a letter to the Lexington Minuteman today addressing the implementation of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 71, Section 32A ("Section 32A") (the law that Brian Camenker of Article 8 says he wrote). The provision reads as follows:
Every city, town, regional school district or vocational school district implementing or maintaining curriculum which primarily involves human sexual education or human sexual issues shall adopt a policy ensuring parental/guardian notification. Such policy shall afford parents or guardians the flexibility to exempt their children from any portion of said curriculum through written notification to the school principal.
I think the key word here is primary. If the curriculum primarily involves such discussions then a policy for opting out is necessary. Of course the anti-gay forces will say that discussions of same gender families does involve sexual issues. (Again, it's always wonder how come these sex obsessed people don't think the same way about opposite sex couples)

Dr. Ash addresses this head on:
Since elementary curriculum often elicits discussion of family experiences, such references certainly may occur. In addition, our schools routinely provide students with access to materials, activities, and discussions that recognize diversity. This access is designed to assist us in our goal of maintaining an appropriate and respectful educational environment for all students. As required by law and LPS policy, this environment must be free of discrimination based on race, gender, color, religion, sexual orientation, national origin and disability.
The Massachusetts Department of Education, which is responsible for administering Section 32A, has explained that activities and materials designed to promote tolerance and respect for individuals, including recognition of differences in sexual orientation "without further instruction on the physical and sexual implications" do not trigger the notice and opt out provisions of Section 32A. Under this standard, staff has no obligation to notify parents of discussions, activities, or materials that simply reference same-gender parents or that otherwise recognize the existence of differences in sexual orientation. Accordingly, I expect teachers to continue to allow children access to such activities and materials to the extent appropriate to children's ages, to district goals of respecting diversity, and to the curriculum.
Lexington is lucky to have such a smart man as its superintendent. For those people who disagree with public school cirriculum, there's always private schools. Some, apparently, even offer one on one heterosexual sex education training.

Real Heros and Villians

The Vatican is getting a lot of news coverage about their ban on future gay priests. Everyone points out that the focus should be on CELIBATE priests. A pedophile is a pedophile, gay people are no more likely to be a pedophile than a straight person. Pedophile is about power over a child, whether it's a boy or girl doesn't matter. However, the church is looking for a scapegoat(gay people) because it doesn't want to be blamed for creating this HUGE mess.

I'm not sure if people remember Father James Porter. He was a heterosexual priest in Fall River, Mass who left the priesthood and married a WOMAN. By all accounts, this man would have passed the Vatican test since he wasn't homosexual and would have been allowed to stay in the seminary.

On the other hand, Mychal Judge was an openly gay priest. He died on Sept. 11, 2001 at the site of the Twin Towers.
Judge was the New York City Fire Department Chaplain who was killed by falling debris as he ministered to a dying firefighter at the World Trade Center on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. He was the first recorded casualty of the terrorist attack on the city. The high-profile cleric's ministries spanned a spectrum of New York's City's diverse communities, including his beloved firefighters, the poor and homeless, people with AIDS, LGBT people, and those struggling with alcoholism
He would have not passed the Vatican's test.

On another matter, it seems in Sen. Santorum's home state, the Catholic Diocese has been busy. In an article in the Boston Globe a Philadelphia Grand Jury say the Archdiocese hid abuse.

A grand jury issued a scathing critique yesterday of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, saying its former archbishops and other leaders concealed and facilitated clergy sex abuse of children for decades.

The grand jury, which investigated the archdiocese for more than three years, concluded that at least 63 priests -- and probably many more -- sexually abused hundreds of minors over the past several decades.

But even more disturbing, the jurors found, was the coverup by the two previous archbishops, Cardinals John Krol and Anthony J. Bevilacqua who, they concluded, ''excused and enabled the abuse" and put legal and financial interests and moral reputation of the archdiocese ahead of protecting the children entrusted to its care.

Now, who are the real heros in this post? The leaders of the church who "excused and enabled the abuse" or the openly gay priest who gave his life while ministering to the fallen?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

The Postman Always Rings Twice...

I guess all our attention finally worked. It appears that Ms. Massresistance has finally put up an email address on her blog. It's takes a little work to find it but there it is under her profile. So when you feel the urge and read something in her blog that you don't like or have issues with, drop her a line. I'm sure she'll appreciate it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

No Sondheim, Michaelangelo or Cher FOR YOU!

Massresistance lastest post is about censorship. She offers links to parents who are concerned that their child might be exposed to anything even remotely gay. Get a load of the language in this "Opt-out Form":
My child(ren) should be excused from any and all instruction, field trips, presentations, performances, written material, supervised discussions, questioning, journaling, films, assemblies, or assignments addressing: sexuality, sexual orientation, sexual lifestyles, contraceptive options, abortion, or AIDS or HIV education without my prior notice, opportunity to review the above, and my written consent.
Can you see it now...
  • Ok class, we're going to talk about tennis champion Arthur Ashe, wait, Johnny, Susan you have to leave the room.
  • Today we're going to sing Cole Porter and Stephen Sondheim songs except for Johnny and Susan...
  • We're all going to read A Separate Peace, Billy Budd, Tea and Sympathy and The Color Purple except for Johnny...
  • In history we're going to learn about Alexander the Great and Greek Society as a basis for western democracy, except for Johnny...

Feel free to add your own.

Out at Work

The HRC released its annual corporate equality index:

More large U.S. companies have fair-minded policies toward gays than ever before, continuing a trend that began in the 1990s...

This year 101 companies got a perfect score, close to doubling last year's group of 56 companies that received 100 percent. The top-ranked companies ranged from Dow Chemical Co. and Chevron Corp. to bankrupt building materials company Owens Corning and Walgreen Co., the nation's largest drugstore chain.

Raytheon Co. became the first defense contractor to achieve a perfect score. This summer the Waltham, Mass.-based company become the first big military supplier to expand its equal opportunity employment policy to include transgender workers.

Raytheon's chief diversity officer, Hayward Bell, said that while the defense industry as a whole was considered more conservative and less tolerant than other industries, Raytheon sought to be progressive.
However, only one company has gone back in time:
ExxonMobil has the dubious distinction of being the only U.S. company to roll back both benefits eligibility for its employees' domestic partners and a sexual orientation nondiscrimination policy," the Human Rights Campaign Foundation said in its report.
Then again, you might remember that the Exxon Valdez is the oil tanker owned by Exxon that caused one of the worst man made environmental diasters in history. Is it any surprise that a company who had such little regard for the environment would have such little regard for people?

Equality marches on!

Addition: World Net Daily (I know!) publishes the list of companies who got a perfect score on the HRC Index. Check to see if the companies you do business with are here.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Article Hate's Intimidation Tactics members continued their protests of the Tremont Baptist Church yesterday. They are protesting the actions taken by the church by allowing "Love Won Out" to hold a conference there on October 29th (Love Won Out is by Focus on the Family). This wasn't the first time the group has been outside the church protesting. However, it was the first time the group has been accosted by Article 8 (or Article Hate as QueerToday likes to call them.)'s protests usually include discussions with the Tremont Baptist Church members after they leave, however, Article 8 nixed that notion by standing in front of the protesters trying to intimidate them with cameras and video taping equipment.
One woman from Article Hate insisted that I must be attracted to women because so many men in our community want to be women. She also insisted that I was sexist if I was not attracted to women. After stating these two comments to me, she ran like a little school girl over to her leader Brian Camenker to tell him that she had won an argument with me. Earlier I overheard her telling Brian Camenker that it was obvious the homosexuals in schools were doing this - "just look how young they are!"
Interesting, these are the same people who accuse the gay community of intimidation. I can't wait to hear how Article 8 spins this one! Check out the pictures of the "hard core homosexual activists" on QueerToday's blog.

How About A Bill For Parents Who Are Bullies?

Ms. Massresistance is onto attacking openly gay legislators, now which shouldn't be a surprise. In yesterday's post she attacks State Sen. Jarrett Barrios for getting behind an anti-bullying bill (Good heavens! HE ACTUALLY WANTS TO STOP BULLYING?! He must be a radical homosexual!) She couches it as: "She was bullied and she got over it so we shouldn't actually make bullies stop".

Message to Ms. Massresistance: if you're still talking about it, you haven't quite got over it. Additionally, I don't think the parents of the kids in your school were picketing or refusing to leave because you wore hand me downs or because your parents were poor.

A "friend" to Massresistance alerted her to the whole "agenda" This "friend" says:
Just look at who is pushing it. The final bill will surely mention something about sexual orientation and gender identity.
Of course, I mean every bill Sen. Barrios has signed onto has sexual orientation in it. His bill to ban .50 caliber "cop killer" guns had gay written all over it, likewise his call for stricter drunk driving penalties. OOH, he's so GAY.

In reality, Sen. Barrios filed the bill LAST YEAR after meeting with Everett students. There was a stronger push after the slaying of Kelly Proctor of Ayer, allegedly by brothers described as high-school bullies. But I guess Ms. Massresistance doesn't see past the fact that Sen. Barrios is gay and in a happy marriage with two children.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Attack, Lie, Attack, Lie: And So She Goes...

Well, well, well. Ms. Massresistance seems to know a lot about what when on at the constitutional convention since she is obsessing about time lines listed in Bay Windows. I won't go into much detail about her post but I will dissect some of the more interesting things she mentioned:
Many of the Irish- and Italian-heritage, and nominally-Catholic legislators go right along with the Christ-denying, anything-goes UUs. (Isn't this apostasy?)
There she is attacking someone else's religion. Just a few days ago she was bitching because the Religious Coalition for Marriage was picketing outside of the Tremont Temple yet she has no problem attacking a whole religion. Unless you worship her God in the way that she says you should you are evil. For the record Ms. Massresistance, apostasy refers to renunciation and criticizing of one's former religion, so NO, it's not apostasy. But then again I suspect you would have attacked the Christians for taking in the Jews in Nazi Germany because they differ on who Jesus was/is.
And after the homosexual priest sex-abuse scandal in the Catholic Church, the Mass. Catholic Conference has lost much of its power to sway the Catholic legislators.
Once again, she's blinded by the Dark. It was a PEDOPHILE priest sex-abuse scandal, repeating the tired old lie that gay people were responsible for the abuse is criminal as well as stupid. Unless of course you forget about the girls who were also abused by the priests (not to mention the bishops who looked the other way and actually moved the sick priests to prey on more children). There is a wonderful Letter to the Editor in the Globe today that addresses this issue head on.

I love this section:
Another striking thing about that day was the rowdiness of the queer activist crowd, both inside and outside the State House. A few other passages from this now-missing report reveal that they are not as polite as the media likes to pretend. And they're very skilled at intimidation and harassment.
Now when I entered the Great Hall with my camera I was taking pictures of everyone, the pro-equality people, the legislators, and anti-gay group. Strangely enough, it was only the people from the "Vote On Marriage", the so called "Christians", that were belligerent. Here's a picture of one guy that ran up to me after I was taking pictures and wanted to know everything about me (my name, who I was with, etc.. I felt like I was getting interrogated) However, according to Ms. Massresistance, we were the ones intimidating others. I guess he never met up the woman outside holding up the Article 8 sign who refused to give her name or maybe they were together?

Finally I'd like to address her calling us "rowdy". I thought we were patriotic (we kept to patriotic songs), fun and yes, we were loud (there were a lot of us). We were there because bad people were trying to taking away our rights. And, we will be there again and again and again as long as bad people keep trying to take away the rights of a minority. You see, these bad things people like you Ms. Massresistance, Article 8 and Mass "Family" Institute do directly affects us. We will not stand idly by while you try to strip protections from families so if that is what "rowdy" is, Yes, we were rowdy. Discrimination will not be tolerated now or in the future.

And when you try and take the children away from gay and lesbian parents (and I know that's next on YOUR agenda) the fight will continue.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Thank You Ms. Massresistance!

I don't think I have ever thanked Ms. Massresistance for anything. However, yesterday she did a wonderful service for the community. She listed all the events going on around New England for the GLBT community. Thanks to her we know:
  • (today) Saturday, Sept. 17 it's the 6th annual "Out on the Farm" day at The Big E fair in West Springfield. "Be seen, Wear red!"
  • (tomorrow) Sunday, Sept. 18 it's the 9th annual "Out in the Park" day at Six Flags New England amusement park. "Be seen, Wear red!"
  • October 8, King Richard's Faire in Carver will host "Out in the Court" to coincide with "national coming-out day" on October 11. "Be seen, Wear purple!" There will be a special feature: the "Men in Tights" contest. Don't miss it!

Now I haven't gone to any of these things since I was in college. It all sounds like such a great time, attending events where you have people that are actually friendly to EVERYONE.

I AM curious as to how Ms. Massresistance finds out that these things are happening because I have found myself just out of the loop! Had I know about Big E day I would have prepared and gone with my family instead of going to Home Depot to learn how to refinish my kitchen cabinets! The things you learn on blogs! The only thing I would ask Ms. Massresistance to do is give us more advance notice. Two weeks would be great!

Friday, September 16, 2005

John Hancock Would Be Proud

You know, there has been a lot of discussion in the paper and on TV about the website The Whitehouse Press corps was even asked about it. All this discussion got me to thinking about the musical 1776.

For those of you who not familiar with 1776 is about the writing and signing of the Declaration of Independence. There is one particular line towards the end of the play spoken by the Representative from Rhode Island (Stephen Hopkins I believe) that keeps playing in my head. As the play ends everyone in Congress signing the Declaration, however, Franklin says something like (and I'm paraphrasing):

I want to see the face of each man as he signs
What I took this to mean was that putting your signature was such an important step that Hopkins wanted to be sure that each man was willing to stand up to the contents of the document he was affixing his signature to. The document is still available so everyone everywhere can see who supported freedom for this country.

I see some similarities to this "new" amendment which the Mass "Family" group has initiated. The one different is that this "new" document is taking away rights from a group of Americans however the signature process is still the same. When one affixes his/her signature to that document they will forever be associated with promoting discrimination for a certain group of people. Unlike the Congress in 1776, the signers of this anti-gay amendment want to do it in darkness and not have people know that they have stood up for discrimination. Regardless, all the people who sign the petition will be made public. Know Thy is just doing exactly what Stephen Hopkins did all those years ago.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


This was at about 12:00PM. The group was definitely smaller than last year and there was practically none of the people preaching hate as there were last year.

This picture is not as it seems, look at the fine print on the poster.

They kept everyone on the 2nd floor this year instead of outside the chamber.

Sen. Brian Lees, (R- Springfield) opened up the convention and gave an impassioned personal note. He came right out to the Hall to speak to reporters after his opening.

He later spoke at the Marriage Equality Rally in Nurse's Hall following the convention.

There were a lot of legislators in Nurse's Hall following the convention. It was amazing. People were crowding in on the main floor, up the stairs and up on the balcony.

One woman from the "Vote For Marriage" group kept walking through the crowd and heckling the speakers however she was overshadowed by the voices of victory.

Pictures of Hate Part II

Inside there were people from the Vote For Marriage Group. They were giving out T-shirts but it appeared that they had a lot of T-shirts left at the end of the day. Again, there weren't many of them. They were chanting some words and praying.

Their group dissipated very quickly after the convention began with the exception of a very small group. Interesting enough, they only made noise when the person they supported were speaking (i.e., Phil Travis). Notice the woman in the center, she was on her knees crying out and making all kinds of noises.

Pictures of Hate Part 1

Here are some pictures of the Article 8 people. Brian Camenker wasn't there when I first arrived (these pictures were taken at about noonish) howeve he did show his mug in the Statehouse at about 1:00PM. In the words of Article 8:

2 Handed Hate

There was all of 5 people there from the joke that is Article 8. They still think that the House is going to vote on a bill to remove the 4 Justices, lol! It's the best joke going around Beacon Hill.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

No Thank You, I'm Already Married!

While hundreds of same sex marriage supporters were rallying on the State House yesterday for the defeat of the proposed anti-gay constitutional amendment, a few anti-gay leaders held a press conference to announce a new "bill". It seems that the anti-gay legislators want to introduce legislation which would provide hospital visitation and other rights to gay couples that would be offered even if the state enacts a proposed ban on same-sex marriage.

[Homophobic Representative] Phil Travis said the reciprocal benefits bill is meant to respond to supporters of same-sex marriage, who contend that a ban on marriage would take away rights from gay couples. ''All the things that the other side has complained about will be taken away and will be covered by legislative action," Travis said.
Oh, NOW they want to give gay couples some protections. Do you think they are concerned about looking hateful and coming off as trying to taking away people's rights? My question is: "of the hundreds of rights which couples who marry get, which ones do they not want us to get and why?"

Although I'm still trying to get over their action plan from last year. All we heard about was the chaos that was going to ensue once same sex couples get married. "It will be a disaster, blah blah blah" Now they have come up with this "new" amendment. If it passes there were be married opposite sex couples, married same sex couples (as long as they marry before 2008) and same sex couples who are not allowed to get married but can receive certain benefits that Rep. Phil Travis and Governor Romney have hand picked them to have.

Does this sound confusing to you? Think about the different classes of people this amendment makes. You want to talk about chaos! Business who offered domestic partnership benefits then ended them because of same sex marriage will not have to decide whether to offer them again under this new configuration. This whole mess concocted by the Mass "Family" Institute is frightening. Just say NO, and don't sign the petition.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Pictures from Tonight's Vigil

Before the Rally


Always Impressive Mary Bonauto

Side line Supporters

Sex, Lies & Massresistance

Ms. Massresistance has gotten her panties all in a bunch because legislators are saying that the world didn't fall apart after May 17, 2004. She takes exception to this and blames same sex marriage for:
  • David Parker getting arrested
  • The "Little Black Book"
  • Sex Change "Propaganda" being distributed in gay clubs at schools
  • a pornographic billboard
  • Bay Windows in Supermarkets

The amazing thing about all of these "issues" is that Article 8 is the only group that has ever brought them up. They are the ones trying to pin these "issues" on same sex marriage. Let's look at them:

David Parker getting arrested

He was arrested because he refused to leave an elementary school. He initially claimed that he was protesting a book and has since changed his story. The book in question was written in 1995, years before same sex marriages.

The "Little Black Book"

Article 8 claims to have "exposed" this escapade. Ten books were on a table at the Fenway Community Health Center's table at a school's Gay Day on April 30th. It took Article 8 over two weeks (they didn't announce it until a press conference on May 17th) to actually mention the book. If they cared so much about the children why didn't they have a press conference on May 1st? Article 8 members supposedly picked up the brochure on the 30th so what took so long?(sounds like the Bush administration's reaction to Hurricane Katrina) Furthermore, the book was modeled after a similar book in Washington State, a place that doesn't have same sex marriage, how can that be? Using Article 8's logic Massachusetts should have come up with it first, what gives?

Sex Change Propaganda

At the same conference mentioned above on April 30th, there was a panel with some transgender folks on it. I mean really, just because these people live in our towns, have children, pay their bills, are law abiding citizens, contribute to society and try to go about their lives, do we really need to hear them speak? YES, for all of the above reasons.

Pornographic Billboard

If these people think two men with their shirts off is pornographic I can't imagine what they think of the statue of David in Rome. There is worse stuff on daytime soap operas or MTV. This billboard has been up all over the country too and we're still the only state with same sex marriage. has been around at least since 2000 too.

Bay Windows

Bay Windows has also been around for years! I can remember getting it in the late 80's way before same sex marriages. They were available at newsstands everywhere too. Try again Amy.

In conclusion, Massresistance says:

The queer activists knew they'd have to win their fight dishonestly, and avoid the ugly truth about the unnaturalness and riskiness of homosexual sex, or the unbalanced life experience that same-sex parenting imparts to young children.

In reality we are the ones being honest, we're not making up stories about other people and causing a ruckus. We are getting married, raising our children, living our lives and causing harm to NO ONE. Besides, we could adopt children before May 17, 2004. Even if you try and take away future same sex marriages those couples will still be able to adopt children. The ugly truth is groups like Massresistance, Article 8 and Mass "Family" Institute. They don't care about children at all. They are a blemish on humanity.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Ms. Massresistance's post yesterday included this interesting tidbit: "we are disgusted to see the intimidation tactics queer activists are using against the original signers of the petition" This is of course in reference to the Know Thy Neighbor website which is posting the names and addresses of everyone who signs the anti-gay amendment that Mass "Family" Institute wrote.

Is it brain damage or just stupidity since Massresistance has used the same tactics:
  • Massresistance and Article 8 posted Rep. Robert DeLeo's home telephone number to intimidate him:
DEMAND that he not put children in the hands of homosexual activists with public money. Let him know you are ANGRY at what he’s done. DEMAND that he keep budget item 4590-0250 from being overridden.
  • Posted Dan Kennedy's private email because he was the author of a "hateful rant against Article 8 and Massresistance."
  • Posted Mass Marrier and my email address so that her readers could send us emails asking sex-obsessed questions about a billboard in Cambridge.

These are some of the many ways Massresistance and Article 8 uses intimidation to try and scare us from standing up for ourselves. However, it doesn't work.

I'm all for publishing the names of bigots who want to turn back the Mass. SJC's decision. Unlike like Ms. Massresistance, they should not be anonymous and should take responsibility for their actions.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Sobering Statement from the Former Boston Mayor?

Former Mayor of Boston and Ambassador to the Vatican Ray Flynn is one of the supporters of the "new" anti-gay marriage amendment that AG Reilly recently certified.

Former Boston Mayor Ray Flynn, a gay marriage opponent, said the new proposal is superior because it enshrines marriage between a man and a woman, which he said is best for children. But he added the measure would ensure rights for non-married couples, such as inheritance or hospital visitation rights. It's worth the wait to vote on it, he said.

Excuse me, Ambassador, under this new amendment same sex couples already married will continue to be married so your anti-gay amendment only enshrines bigotry. Additionally, you say it's "best for the children", what about the children with same sex parents and what study are you referencing since there are no studies which support this statement?

Mr. Ambassador, what are you talking about when you say "the measure would ensure rights for unmarried couples"? What measure? The new amendment to the constitution? The wording of the amendment, written by the Mass "Family" institute which you signed your name to says:

When recognizing marriages entered into after the adoption of this amendment by the people, the Commonwealth and its political subdivisions shall define marriage only as the union of one man and one woman.
Do you see anything about unmarried couples in the above language? It says NOTHING about unmarried couples, NOTHING! so what is he talking about?
"I'd rather get it right than discriminate or hurt anybody," he said. "I think that it strikes that fair balance."
What "fair balance" is he talking about? Oh, I know, he must be referring to the same fair balance that Fox News uses as their slogan, and we all know how fair and balanced they are. I guess it's part of the anti-gay bigotry campaign which Flynn is heading up.

Flynn is such an upstanding citizen, you can read more about his moral escapades here:
A controversial front-page story says the former mayor has a drinking problem, that he was a failure at the Vatican. Flynn says it was a cheap shot, driven by class bias. The more interesting question: What took the Globe so long?

Update: Here's a new article I found about Flynn and his support for Cardinal Law:

Cardinal Law wins support from former Boston mayor

Friday, September 9, 2005

Yawn, Massresistance Is Getting Increasingly Boring

Todays post Ms. M is talking about "safe zones" and she calls it the "latest" thing. However, I wrote about this on August 11th after Article 8 had talked about it then and it was still old news. I mean please people don't you have anything new to attack us with? Come on Ms. Massresistance (or are you calling yourself Mr. today because we would accept you as you are you know!) you did say "Bay Windows, our favorite Thursday read". You must have something new that's making you drool.

Although I shouldn't goof on her for repeating Article 8 posts because I suspect that Ms. Massresistance is also the writer for the Article 8 website. I think its only her and Camenker that make up Article 8 and he's typically off doing PR for David Parker in Maine or some other state that wants to discriminate against GLBT folks so she has to stay back and write the dribble. She did add one interesting facet to her rather mundane post
The very term "safe zone" implies to the student that there's something available at school that he doesn't have at home, at a relative's, at a friend's, or at his church: a "safe" place where he can "just be himself."
Can you imagine, for a moment, being the gay child of Ms. Massresistance? He/she would most definitely need a safe zone somewhere and a good psychologist. Don't laugh, it is possible, God does have a sense of humor, just ask Phyllis Schlafly, Allan Keyes or Dick Cheney. They all have gay and lesbian offspring. Is it in the genes or just bad parenting, you decide.

Thursday, September 8, 2005

Can You See the Hate in Their Eyes?

A "witness" for Article 8 said that the counterprotesters had "hate in their eyes". Check it out for yourselves:

What A Difference A Day Makes

Well, a few days ago the California legislature sent a same sex marriage bill to the Governor and more Mass Senators dropped their support for the proposed same sex marriage ban amendment. Today the Gov of California has said he will veto the bill and Attorney General Reilly has approved another anti-gay amendment to the Consitution.

Schwarzenegger's spokeswoman, Margita Thompson, has indicated that the governor believes the courts or the electorate should determine the state's marriage
Do you believe these people? What happened to activist judges? Excuse me Gov, do you think interracial couples would have wanted the electorate to vote on their marriages? People in Nebraska and Kansas are ok with a 22 year old marrying a 14 year old and you want the people to decide? You have the chance to actually lead in this instance and you are dropping the ball. You are terminating a civil rights bill. Shame on you.

As for this new amendment that Reilly certified, I am surprised the Catholic Church, who is supposed to be "honest", is backing it. As Ms. Massresistance put it: This unclean amendment would both ban and certify same sex marriages.

So the Catholic Church is fine with my marriage, they just believe that future same sex marriages are bad, does this make sense to you? If the Catholic Church believes that all same sex marriages are wrong why are they sanctioning some of them, you gotta be either for it or against it, none of this "Well, gay marriages after 2008 are wrong" stuff. This just reeks of prejudice. Mass "Family" Institute is going to make a lot of money off of this one.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

Article 8's Short Term Memory Loss

Well, Article 8 finally put up their "exclusive" about the Parker Rally last night. While reading it I couldn't help notice the bitterness Article 8 is feeling because so few of their people showed up and that they didn't get any news coverage. Ironically all they do is complain about the counter protesters which out numbered then 3 times over. Here is a compilation of what they said about the rally last night with pictures from Article 8's past protests:

They lined up along Bedford Street, right across from the Parker gathering, to hold signs, intimidate, etc.

Outpouring of public anger and intolerance. The line stretched over a block long. It included very young kids, adolescents, and adults.

Raising kids to hate others. Rev. Bill Clark again, along the street. The kids signs have particularly insidious messages: "Support ALL Our Children, Families, Schools" and "Anyone Can Go to School."

Do You Know Your Neighbor?

Queer Today has an interesting piece on a new website that is starting. It lists the names of the people who signed/sign the bogus amendment that Governor-wanna-be Reilly just approved.
The 65,825 + names and addresses of those who would attempt to stop legal same-sex marriages are part of the public record and are available to the general public as soon as they are certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth. This is where , its group of passionate volunteers and YOU come in. This website has been created to give the public streamlined access to public information connected with the Initiative Petition to "Define" Marriage. will be enlisting a group of concerned volunteers to enter the names and addresses of the 65,825 + signers and will be providing easy access to all of these names and addresses on our website

Parker's Non Rally

Last night was the "Rally" for David Parker, the man who was arrested for refusing to leave a Lexington Elementary School after school officials and police told him to go. This "grassroots" rally was initially advertised by the Mass "Family" Institute listing a Carlisle resident as the contact person (I guess there is no one else in Lexington who shares Parker's homophobic viewpoint and willing to be a contact for rally). Article 8 and Massnews informed their readers of the rally although they listed controversial Article 8 head, Brian Camenker, as the contact person (David Parker just can't seem to separate himself from Article 8 even though he says he is.)

About 50 people showed up for the rally which ended before it's 7 PM deadline. Across the street from the Green about 350 people gathered in silence protest. One reader said:
Across the street from the Green, there were about 350 people standing in support of the schools, all the children that go to them, and all of the families these children come from. There was quite a representation including parents of all ages, grandparents, students (especially the high schoolers!), clergy, and elected officials. Some people just happened to be in the center, previously unaware of what was going on, and joined in, grabbing a sign and lining up on the sidewalk.
Can't wait to see how Article 8 spins this one. Check here for pictures.

Addition: Apparently, whoever was putting on this rally (was it Article 8? Massresistance? MFI?) littered cars at nearby houses of worship in Lexington and Arlington and various parking lots including a nearby ice skating rink AND still could not get a very good showing.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Katrina Stopped but Massresistance Still Blows Hot Air

Well, after a brief trip to our neighbors up north, we're back. It was definitely interesting to see news about the US through the eyes of another country. Not surprisingly, we didn't even see or hear homophobic bather like we do around here and the whole country has same sex couples getting married! I've been trying to catch up on all the hateful stuff that Ms. Massresistance has been posting on her website. There's a lot! In the past week she's:

The funniest part of all her posts is the following:

By the way, Meg has it wrong below about Mass. Family Institute running the [David Parker] rally. It is actually being organized by a grassroots group of Parker supporters.

God forbid the wrong anti-gay anti-family hate group gets credit for this rally. Yet, if you go on you'll read about the rally is being headed up by no other than Brian Camenker, who is the contact person. The same Brian Camenker who heads the Parents Right Coalition and Article 8, this is the grassroots group of Parker supporters Ms. Massresistance writes about(remember that David Parker said he wasn't "involved" with Article 8).