Thursday, May 31, 2007

Brian Camenker/Massresistance: Holocaust Denier!

First there was the Nazi references in the email that Massresistance sent out to its group of haters where he equated gay people to the Nazis:
Did people in 1942 talk about respecting the Nazis "choice" of political philosophy? Or that we ought to consider letting Japan have Korea and the Solomon Islands if they'd let us have the Philippines - because that's what the "experts" say we could work out?
Then we hear from Tom Lang over at Knowthyneighbor who was at the Statehouse hearings yesterday:

At yesterday's hearing of Joint Committee on Education, Brian Camenker of MassResistance in support of Bill S321--Parental Notification--spent his three minutes of allotted time to speak in support of this bill by claiming that homosexuals were not among the 6 million Jews, gypsies, Jehovah's Witnesses and social outcasts killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust. Camenker went as far as to say that the whole "pink triangle" was made up in order to arrest Catholic priests.

And it gets worse, one of Camenker's minions who testified twice agreed with Brian. In her testimony before the Joint Committee on Education, she said that it was the Nazis themselves who were the homosexuals and they gave pink triangles to and arrested only the "most flamboyant of their own people."

So I guess pictures like this are photoshopped:
This is just incredible and really unbelievable. I wonder if the list of local homophobes who appeared on Massresistance's Radio Show agree with him? I wonder if the co-sponsors of the bill Brian "claims" to have written agree with him also? Tom says only one of the 25 co-sponsors showed up for the public hearing.

This is so appalling.


Anonymous said...

Camenker's in good company with the President of Iran and White Supremacists groups. He can't ever seem to belong to a group that even likes him!

bostonph said...

Brian is now claimingg WTTT is going to put them back on the air. Seems like someone needs to share the holocaust quotes with the station.

On Wednesday, the station manager phoned MassResistance and offered to work out an arrangement to get us back on the air! (Your calls & emails were VERY effective!) More details to come.

Anonymous said...

I think that after the new WTTT GM reads Ami's rant about one of their star talk show hosts and editor of the Salem News Site Town Hall.Com, Hugh Hewitt, he may thik twice about putting them back on the air.

Somehow, I found time today to send a nice letter to the Salem Radio offices in Quincy.

bostonph said...

Looks like Amy and Brian forgot to coordinate their lies this AM.

Brian claims conservatives were kept waiting for 4 hours while left wing activists testified, then were forced to speak to an empty room.

Amy says "While many fine people turned out on Tuesday to support our side, few came to oppose" then goes on to slam Tom Lang and his husband. Blond-bombshell?