Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Wait Is Over

After promising last Friday to post something by Sunday night and not doing anything until Tuesday, MassResistance has finally posted their story about their petition to repeal the repeal of the racist 1913 marriage law:
We are fighting back! On Wednesday, August 13, MassResistance officially filed paperwork for a Referendum Petition - including the ten "original signers" - to force the Legislature's cowardly repeal of the "1913 Law" to be voted on by the people.

I still don't get why they always say "cowardly repeal" when the Senate voted unanimously and the House took a roll call vote, does Brian Camenker know what cowardly means?

The rest of the rant is essentially just sour grapes. They're pissed because the Boston newspapers didn't give them the glory they expected AND that the newspapers hailed the legislators who voted to repeal the racist 1913 law. They also keep taking credit for the legislature voting it as a special act which makes the repeal go into effect immediately. (See their successes, they take credit for practically everything including the sun rising everyday)

Then of course there's this:
What this Referendum means
This is a big deal. Besides eventually stopping a horrible social experiment from being forced across the country, this sends some very strong messages

Oh yeah, because getting the legislature to vote down the marriage amendment, when it only needed 25% of the legislature wasn't a big deal. Oh, and for the record, no legislator even wants to be associated with MassResistance, no one will sign on to any of the bills they keep submitting.

I'll leave you with MassResistance's last words:
And as we said, the rest of the Boston media isn't far behind. They really don't get it. They're going to be very disappointed when we get done . . .

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