Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mass Family Institute - Gay All the Time

Kris Mineau of the Mass Family Institute (MFI) has been making the rounds lately calling out the "activist judge" who ruled that sections of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) was unconstitutional. It just so happens that Justice Joseph Tauro, or the "activist judge" as Mineau calls him was appointed to the Federal bench by Republican Richard Nixon and was a First Lieutenant in the United States Army.

I wonder if Kris Mineau knows that this "activist judge" became only the second judge to invoke The Adam Walsh Act of 2006 in which allows judges to indefinitely hold child sex offenders in jail if deemed a public danger.

Anyhow, while tooling around the MFI's website I happened on their July 20, 2010 update. Now, the subheading under their name says "Strengthening the family", however, the update was gay, gay gay. Every bullet was anti-gay, or dealt with homosexuality (because the anti-gay crowd love saying words with SEX in them):

Montana considers radical sex education curriculum
Senate JudiciaryCommittee approves Elena Kagan's nomination
Will SCOTUS let DC voteon marriage?
Get your marching orderson FRC's Special Military Webcast
Coverage of NOM's Summerfor Marriage Tour in New England
In ironic statement, Richard Tisei says "Let the people vote!"

I was going to change the link on the left side of the page to MFI but I can see that the Massachusetts Institute Against Gays still fits. They are not only concerned about same sex marriage but are making sure that GLBT Americans are not afforded the same rights as other Americans.

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