Friday, June 10, 2005

Kris with a K

One of the "Great" speakers at the Rally for the man accused of trespassing, David Parker:

Kris Mineau

The current leader of Mass Family Institute. This poor man is upset because his special rights were taken away from him. He is the acting head of the group since Ron Crews, that conservative Republican ran and loss miserably for Congress. Kris says about the same sex marriages :

"This is affecting me immediately because my children are in conflict. It's putting my children in turmoil," said Kris Mineau,"I've always argued that from May 17 onward, my heterosexual marriage was no longer unique, no longer a standard for the culture, and that's an affront to me and it grieves me."

Kris, maybe you should be spending more time with your spouse instead of bashing other people’s husbands and wives. Why do you think your marriage is so special that it should be a standard for everyone else?

I shouldn’t pick on Kris because he is often mistaken for a woman because of his name (many websites and articles point out that he is the spokeswoman for MA Family) so he probably thinks he has cause to lash out at the gay community. All I can say is, Kris, turn away from the Dark Side, we are much more accepting than the right and will not make fun of you because you have a girl’s name.

You can contact Kris at Phone: (617) 928-0800Fax: (617) 928-1515 or email him at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, his heterosexual marriage is no longer unique --- and neither are the white only drinking fountains, restrooms, and restaurants in Alabama.